
Get Prosperity & Get Happy .. Again..

We need governments that will get this done!

Look…… I wrote a whole book about this…. but here‘s the summary…

National Prosperity is key to a happy citizen, and we won’t be happy unless we focus on the following……

We need a national economy that grows, makes and mines much more of what we consume, and does it far more sustainably.

We need our citizens deployed into value adding jobs and careers that improve the productivity of the nation.

Business and Industry must run the numbers to see when reshoring can happen, and its going to need a renewed focus on LEAN and Digital Transformation to earn that right.

Weve got too much Immigration, and we better choose any new commers with far more care and control.

Our schools of learning must support our citizens not the global market. And… they must stick to STEM not useless social studies…  

Climate NetZero is proving to be unnecessary, technologically unattainable, economically unviable and a clear threat to future prosperity.

And finally … We need leaders that can ….Get It Done!