Nationalism IN and Globalism OUT.
A return to tightly controlled national entities grouped into localized and self-reliant trade blocs
The followers of the US Democrats keep talking about why they lost the US elections and let them, because its not about them ……. Its about a growing number in the western population that now have figured out that the biggest threat to western civilization and their prosperity is globalism in all its many forms and facets.
They are voting for a return to tightly controlled national entities grouped into localized and self-reliant trade blocs that respect the rights of their citizens.
It’s far deeper than external factors such as national borders and trade rules, although it is about that, but its also about internal factors such as nationhood and citizenship being respected in terms of strong borders to manage ongoing uncontrolled immigration. And reducing the extremism of religion and woke type social practices, and halting the drift away from traditional western values in our schools and institutions.
So…. many want there Nation back!
Its dissatisfaction with all things multilateral and what some call the new world order.
It will mean a firm move away from all the many global initiatives of the UN and the wild ideas of the WEF and their clear negative impact on western wealth and culture.
Many in the west are not interested in playing global policeman anymore, and certainly are not prepared to pay for it, and have also learnt that that role is far from respected.
The UN climate change initiative will be the first to be de-scoped in many western nations, as its authenticity as a true emergency is debunked, and its mechanism to transfer wealth from the west to rest has become painfully obvious.
The most aligned political leader moving on this deglobalizing position is Trump, although some other nationalistic right leaning politicos are taking leadership in many European countries.
It remains to be seen how the rest of the nations will respond, and its clear that in some manner we will go back to deglobalized nation state alliances, and in some cases a cold war type of global environment.