The case for Climate Adaptation instead of climate mitigation is now very clear.
The current slow pace and low impact of climate change and the inability for NetZero to be deployed to make any difference makes localized adaption to not only climate but any adverse transient weather patterns much more realistic and affordable.
Although the IPCC keeps predicting significant climate change the history shows these predictions to be always over-stated by almost an order of magnitude. Also, many status reports show no significant trends on human habitation due to climate change.
We do have many examples of weather events getting blamed on climate change that once reviewed always show poor management of the local environment that points to the need for local adaption and not any form of global mitigation.
The numbers show a continual downward trend on deaths and per GDP and per population costs due to all forms of weather-related impacts that can further be improved with technology and the power of existing energy sources. Its clear that high prosperity will drive these improvements further such that the near-term goal should be prosperity.
The policy of the future should be realigned to focus on planned adaption and the excessive funds and investments on failed green new deals should be re-directed from mitigation and foolish energy transition to focused adaption using the power of technology and existing energy sources.
A lot of nonsense has been provided on the merits and advantages of renewables when its clear they are a failed solution in terms of real performance, cost and scalability to replace the existing energy sources. The only viable future replacement for fossil fuels for electricity generation is nuclear power and this must be a future transition goal for industrial societies.
Future national energy solutions must be transitioned only when it’s for economic advantage to it’s citizens as low-cost energy is the key to future prosperity in all nations.
Here is the best article that shows the way by Bjorn Lomborg……... Enjoy...
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Ever since the first IPCC dire predictions solely on modeling without any cost benefit analyses, I championed adaptation over bankrupting society.
Imagine where we would be now on the path towards adaptation instead of monies wasted on improbable “solutions”.