Here we all are trying to be good national citizens.
We must pay our taxes, follow our laws, and obey the confines of its borders, and shoulder the internal prosperity issues our nation faces, and if asked even to fight and die for our nation.
But it has become a huge frustrating challenge to be a good and happy citizen when we see that the value of citizenship has significantly declined, and in many ways the “citizen deal” has been broken.
The main reason for this decline is that we now live in a world that has gone global where national wealth and economic control has been diluted and transferred and national sovereignty and citizen value is now in question.
We did not vote for this change, but past national leadership allowed themselves to be brow beaten by global organizations such as the UN and the WEF. Over time our leadership capitulated or got their virtuous egos stroked and found a way to justify compliance. Today our young people have accepted it by default as they have no other experience.
Here is a list of the things where such globalization has diminished our national citizenship…..
We are expected to pay our national and local taxes but corporations that profit from our consumerism can avoid tax and freely transfer capital through transnational mobility.
Free trade has forced us to buy goods from other nations using labor only paid about one tenth of our living wage, and this has destroyed both the delicate balance between labor and capital as well as declined our national industrial capacity that used to provide value adding jobs.
Various global initiatives have forced our government to pay out vast sums of money to other nations in the name of aid and support for so called global human rights initiatives. While back in our cities we have our own citizens living in tents.
We have allowed non-value-adding immigration and so-called asylum seeking to bleed through our national borders. This has added great costs and damage to all our support services, housing, education, health services. It is also increasing crime. And coupled with the mistake of multiculturalism is damaging the social fabric of our national culture. This is creating great inconvenience and hardship for our citizen base. This must be stopped.
These global entities have encouraged national guilt type payouts to emerging nations to support a so-called climate change emergency that is proving to be almost non-existent. These funds are being mis-appropriated to make other people rich and must be better used to develop our own local climate adaption projects.
We have allowed a corrosive human rights movement focused on divisive victimhood to scold, shame, and pressure our western populations to accept this new socialist religion that will attack anyone that disagrees as being fascist or racist.
However, common sense is beginning to prevail via populist uprisings in many western nations by citizens that want to stop this global wealth transfer. They do not want a new world order or global governance or woke style human rights movements, and don’t want to become post industrialized societies, or post nation states.
They just want their nations back!
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