There are many reasons I cannot agree with a climate emergency on this planet.
There are many reasons I cannot agree with a climate emergency on this planet.
Plenty of data on this…… and it destroys the climate emergency narrative completely.
NetZero is unnecessary, technologically unattainable, economically unviable and extremely foolish.
Its has been warmer than now at least 4 times in the last 10,000 years and we flourished. So, our current slightly warming climate change is not unprecedented and has very little to do with CO2 or fossil fuels.
We must stop the witch hunt on CO2 and Fossil fuels before we further destroy our industrial capability, and further decline our prosperity, and end up with no capacity to adapt to any natural weather variations using the power of fossil fuels.
Its now very clear that Climate Realists made up of many climate scientists have declared that although the climate is changing it is not a climate emergency. And its also clear that they have a far stronger scientific argument compared to the politically subjugated scientists that continue to project climate alarmism.
Fortunately, some of our national governments are realigning behind this thinking, but some are still mired in the NetZero clown show.
Our main goal should be to focus our policies and technologies on our sustainability and our adaptive capability and improve our stewardship of our economies, societies and also our environments, as we continue to rapidly grow our population.
Here is some substance to the argument that we don’t have a climate emergency.
A Hot Time In The Old Holocene Climatic Optimum
Take Back Manufacturing – Climate Realism
NO-NetZero. - by Nigel Southway - Take Back Manufacturing
Unusual and Unprecedented Warming - Presentation to the AAPG ACE 2020
Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL) climate change and climate policy
More at ….
Your summation of the situation is cognizant of data agreed upon by just over 1100 climate scientists -my last count, GLOBAL CLIMATE INTELLIGENCE GROUP
I was told long ago that in order to “control” the population the government has to keep the commoners struggling to earn a living and keep them ill-informed and SCARED. -so they have no time to do their own research, which could lead to questions, protest, and revolution.
Ergo, high taxes and media control.
Seems to work, till it doesn’t.
Nothing that happens at a glacial speed (pun intended) can be an emergency.